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Schedule of Passover Services, 5784 – 2024

Monday, April 22              Fast of the First Born and Siyyum*                                                       7:15 am

An early morning service in the Lief Chapel will be followed by a study session and a light meal sponsored

by the Men’s Club to break the fast. All first born and others are welcome

Monday, April 22          First Seder (Traditionally begun after nightfall)                Candle Lighting    7:25 pm

Tuesday, April 23            Shacharit, First Day                                                                                                9:30 am

                                               Second Seder (Traditionally begun after nightfall)            Candle Lighting   8:26 pm

Wednesday, April 24   Shacharit, Second Day                                                                                             9:30 am

Saturday, April 27            Shabbat morning services                                                                                  9:30 am


Monday, April 28            Mincha, Maariv, Seventh Day                             6:00 pm,  Candle Lighting   7:31 pm

Monday, April 29              Shacharit, Seventh Day                                                                                           9:30 am

                                                  We will honor our Shabbat and Weekly Torah Readers during services

                                                  Members of the Congregation will chant Shir HaShirim (Song of Songs)

Monday, April 29            Micha, Maariv, Seventh Day                              6:00 pm, Candle Lighting     8:33 pm

Thursday, April 30        Shacharit, Yizkor, Eighth Day                                                                               9:30 am

                                                  Yizkor will be recited during services.

Festival ends at 8:34 pm


The Torah relates that the first born of the Israelites were spared from the last plague which was visited upon the Egyptians. As an act of gratitude and as a means of reenacting a great event of ancient history, the custom has arisen to have all the Bechorim (first born) fast on Erev Pesach. As a substitute for this fast, Bechorim may participate in some sacred study in the synagogue on the morning before Pesach. Thus, the fast is obviated while the purpose is enhanced. There will be a service and study session Wednesday morning, April 8th  beginning at 7:00 am. The Men’s Club will sponsor a light breakfast following services.

*** Counting the Omer – And Making Each Day Count.     Each year, near the conclusion of the second Pesach seder, we begin to count the omer. We count for 49 days, reciting the appropriate blessing every evening. Remember: the Jewish day begins at sunset; therefore, for example, if the 10th day of the Omer falls on April 30, we recite the blessing for that day on the preceding evening, April 29.  The 50th day is Shavuoth.  Blessing to recite as you Count the Omer.

MechiratChametz form 2024


Kveller Haggadah (for families)

Haggadah Kveller (snippet)

Passover Play – a ten minute script for all ages

10 Minute Haggadah 1

The Passover Story for Kids

Large Print Haggadah 

HIAS Haggadah  Explore the connections between the ancient Passover story and today’s refugees